tisdag 7 november 2017

Cell aire

With its micro-cellular construction, it is designed to absorb the knocks and scuffs that threaten products during transit. Available in rolls of sheets cut to suit client specific requirements. Está disponible en diferentes espesores. También se comercializa laminado con papel Kraft, Aircap (film de burbujas herméticas), film de polietileno , aluminio, etc.

High quality, popular padding and cushioning for surfaces. Een bijzonder uitgebreid en compleet assortiment aan klassieke snel leverbare kantoorartikelen, zoals nietjes, nietmachines, scharen en linialen heeft KantoorArtikelen.

Clean, nonabrasive, lightweight, foam packing material is ideal for surface protection. Foam packing material comes in a convenient dispenser carton a. This item is a non stock item and requires a lead time of 3-days . Cell - Aire Protective Polyethylene Foam. Non-abrasive, non-corrosive protection for surface protection. Flexible for easy, fast packaging. Clean, dust and lint-free plus moisture resistant.

Roll Size: 1x 120cm 3mm Thick. Foam rolls are cross-perforated every for easy tear off.

Absorbs knocks and scuffs that threaten products during transit. Made of recyclable, low-density polyethylene. Shock absorbing foam protects delicate items. Provides light cushioning and surface . CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION. Chemical name: Foamed LD-polyethylene.

Supplier: Sealed Air Svenska AB. Address: Påtorpsvägen Norra Industriområdet. Order online today and get fast, free shipping for your business. Free delivery on eligible orders. Looking a way to protect your items in transit?

Do you need some packaging to ensure your items are well protected in your packing boxes? Are you transporting large, bulky items with fragile surfaces ? Low Density Polyethylene - White. Nonabrasive, lightweight, moisture-resistant packaging material made of low- density foam for many packing and protective uses.

Due to its high-cling capability, it holds protected objects snugly, but it leaves behind no sticky residue after contents are unpacked. Contains material that is recyclable, so waste issues are less . The CFC free polythene foam absorbs knocks and scuffs during transit, ensuring items arrive safe and sound.

Bubble Wrap buy online at HuntOffice. Naturally tacky, low slip surface that holds items in place during handling and transportation. More stretch and elasticity before tearing than standard polyethylene foams. Surface protection and light duty cushioning for fragile items without .

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