torsdag 18 september 2014

Termia atria

This heat pump is a domestic type heat pump that outputs hot water . RIa OptImum the silent heat pump that can also handle tougher conditions. The Optimum technology continually adjusts the heat pump to work optimally at all times. Application living by Danfoss.

Det ger maximal effektivitet och minimal energiförbrukning – sekund för sekun dygnet runt. Värmepumpen består av två enheter – en inomhusdel och en .

This means the heat pump always works under ideal conditions, which reduces the overall energy consumption. ABliability according to the applicable war‐ ranty is not binding. The air heat pump that retrieves energy at temperatures down to –20ºC.

Optimum- regleringen skapar således ideala förhållanden åt värmepumpen. GMT thermia mega user manual pdf - View and Download. Mega Heat Pump pdf manual download.

My previous knowledge of heat pumps was from living in Germany where they are fairly common and my user experience was generally pretty positive so I was looking forward to going green when my new . Atria Duo Atria Duo Optimum.

Ideal for those looking for a ground source heat pump instillation for both heating and hot water. Compatible for instillation with either ground loops or boreholes. Suitable for retro-fit or new build instillations. Den unika konstruktionen ger också . The system is suitable for . Det betyr at driften hele tiden finjusteres etter gjeldende behov og forutsetninger. Det gir maksimal effektivitet og minimalt energiforbruk – sekund for sekun døgnet rundt.

Varmepumpen består av to deler – en innedel og . SPF (Seasonal Performance Factor). Vysoká sezónní účinnost, měřená celoročně, snižuje náklady na vytápění až o. Die Luftwärmepumpe mit aktiver Steuerung lässt Ihre Ersparnisse anwachsen. Das bedeutet, dass die Wärmepumpe stets im bestmöglichen Betriebsbereich exakt nach . Jej sercem jest umieszczona wewnątrz budynku specjalnie zaprojektowana pompa ciepła. Współpracuje ona z wymiennikiem ciepła umieszczonym na zewnątrz .

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